“Update” Information

11 May 2020 by Will McCoy

Good morning! I hope you all were able to enjoy this beautiful weekend God granted us. I feel like we have went a awhile without me giving you all an update so I wanted to touch base on a few things. However, I will start by saying there is still a lot of unknown.

Banquet: I will start with the banquet and let you know as of now it is still “postponed”. With what all these guys have had taken from them I’d like to hold off as long as we can to try and make some in person version of this happen. We will monitor the data and information given to us the next few weeks and make a decision with everyone’s health as the main priority. I will say I told our boosters if we are unable to get together by July, I do think it is necessary to cancel it. The boys, especially the seniors deserve closure. Even if that is a zoom meeting with the other players sending them off one last time, closure is something I intended on giving them.

Summer Ball/Practices: Most of you have seen the KHSAA announcements that have made this time an extended dead period, similar to that two week span in late June/early July. The current plan is to let activity resume after that July date, but there is some optimism about the governor and commissioner allowing some activity such as weight lifting and training to resume early. I am encouraged that little league is trying to start June 15th, to me that indicates if our youth and their families can get back to sports so will high schools. It may not be full on practices and scrimmages, but at this point any team assembly and work outs I think we would all agree we would take. As soon as I know any changes, you will know.

Physicals: Many of our players physicals are set to expire this summer or early fall. I encourage everyone to make sure and get this done when you can so when we can start back, you have those ready to turn in. No student can participate in any activity without us having a physical in hand.

Team meetings: Our staff is meeting this week to game plan and organize virtual tea meetings that we are going to start. We will do those in small groups and will have more details on that later this week following our meeting.

Thanks in advance for your time and attention. I encourage everyone, players and families to have a great week. Something I’m learning more each day is it is as important now as ever to have some consistency and purpose each day. I miss my guys, my coaches, and our program! Hopefully this will teach us even more so to value our time together when we can return. I will let you all know as soon as I have more information for you.

Take care!

Coach McCoy

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